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Quality Training Programs are fundamental to every Enterprise.  As professional trainers and curriculum developers we apply our extensive knowledge of adult learning theory to every project we undertake.  We utilize the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ADDIE Model and Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation as standard methodologies coupled with knowledge of ISO 21001 (Educational Organizations Management Systems) for creating and evaluating training programs. 

  • Training assessments and evaluations

  • Instructor Development Courses

  • Physical Security Courses

  • Job task analysis

  • Development and creation of custom curriculum in our areas of expertise

  • Crisis Management and Leadership Courses

  • All Hazards Critical Infrastructure Protection Course (DHS Approved, UASI Grant funded)

  • Risk Threat and Vulnerability Assessments qualitative vs. subjective processes

  • Understanding Physical Protection System and Technologies

  • Barriers and Barrier Systems Bollards

  • Physical Security of Information Technology Systems - Including Enterprise Systems, Supervisory Control, and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA), and IT-based Physical Security System

  • The Physical Security Analysis Process - Criticality Analysis, Threat Analysis, and Vulnerability Analysis

  • Threats - Classes of threats including Insiders, Outsiders, and Collusion, Developing Threat Assessments, Threat Reports, and Intelligence Collection

  • Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)

  • Security Reports and Site Surveys

  • Blast - Improvised Explosive Devices, Identifying Blast hazards, Blast Mitigation, Blast Barriers, Bomb Threat Response and Planning

  • Critical Decision Making Using the Process of Pairwise Comparison

  • Emergency Response Planning and Continuity of Operations Planning

  • Law Enforcement, Corporate Security, and Military Training from single courses to full academies in basic, intermediate, and advanced tactical/technical skills

Jeff Slotnick, Setracon Training Courses, Security Training
Jeff Slotnick, Setracon Training Courses, Security Training

© 2020 by Setracon

PHONE: 253-426-3349

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